Seminar Proposes Innovative Solution to Arctic Ice Loss


The Centre for Climate Repair recently hosted a seminar unveiling a daring strategy to combat the loss of Arctic ice. Speakers included Dr Shaun Fitzgerald and PhD student Jacob Pantling from the Centre for Climate Repair and Andrea Ceccolini, co-CEO of Real Ice.  The event showcased a novel approach: pumping seawater onto existing Arctic ice to stimulate growth.

The seminar detailed two key methods: consolidating snowfall on sea ice surfaces and promoting seawater freezing. Laboratory experiments at Cambridge demonstrated promising results, validating the concept's feasibility.

The seminar recounted a recent expedition to Cambridge Bay, where Real Ice conducted pioneering pumping experiments. Initial observations provided valuable insights into seawater flow and freezing dynamics.

Community engagement emerged as a vital aspect, with local support in Cambridge Bay crucial for ongoing data collection and project success.

Amidst global climate challenges, the seminar offers hope, showcasing the potential of collaborative innovation to preserve the Arctic's fragile ecosystem.

You can watch the recording of the seminar on your YouTube channel below.