Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR): potential, progress, and challenges
On our second Autumn Seminar Series Prof. John R Taylor, Dept of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, will be talking about Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal.
Title: Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal: potential, progress, and challenges
Abstract: There is a growing consensus that on top of deep and rapid emissions reductions, carbon dioxide will need to be removed from the atmosphere in order to avoid the worst scenarios associated with climate change. The ocean represents a large carbon reservoir and physical and biological processes sequester carbon on long timescales. Several strategies have been proposed to remove carbon from the surface ocean [and hence from the atmosphere]. In this talk, I will review some of these strategies, discuss work underway in this area at the Centre for Climate Repair, and speculate on the challenges, impacts, and potential for ocean CDR.
Location: Dept of Engineering, Dyson Seminar Room, Trumpington Road, Cambridge, CB2 1QA
Register: You can register on our Eventbrite page here.