
The literature around Climate Repair is varied and expands into many fields, from Engineering to Geography to Law to name a few. We have collated a number of articles, interviews and other resources. For those publications that are open source, we have added the link for easy access. If you have suggestions for materials we could add, please feel free to contact us.

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Modelling the response of an ice disc to radial water flow in the context of sea ice thickening

Experiments in Fluids
Volume 66(2), January 2025
Jacob Pantling, M. Grae Worster, Shaun D. Fitzgerald

Modelling the response of an ice surface to a water flow in the context of ice thickening

International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Volume 204, October 2024
Jacob Pantling, Katherine Cartlidge, M. Grae Worster, Shaun D. Fitzgerald

Differential response of chlorophyll-a concentrations to explosive volcanism in the western South Pacific

Joo-Eun Yoon, David King, Jack Longman and Shane J. Cronin
Front. Mar. Sci., 19 April 2023
Sec. Marine Biogeochemistry
Volume 10 - 2023 |

Conspiracy spillovers and geoengineering

Debnath, R., Reiner, D. M., Sovacool, B. K., Müller-Hansen, F., Repke, T., Alvarez, R. M., & Fitzgerald, S. D. (2023). iScience, Cell Press, 106166.

Modeling the Growth Potential of the Kelp Saccharina Latissima in the North Atlantic

J Strong-Wright, JR Taylor – Frontiers in Marine Science (2022) 8, (doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.793977).

Governing Climate Engineering: Scenarios for Analysis

(2011) Governing Climate Engineering: Scenarios for Analysis, Discussion Paper 2011-47, Bodansky, D. Harvard Project on Climate Agreements.

Arctic Climate Interventions (with Hugh Hunt), International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law

Bodansky, D. Arctic Climate Interventions (with Hugh Hunt), International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 35(3): 596-617 (2020)

A large ozone-circulation feedback and its implications for global warming assessments

A large ozone-circulation feedback and its implications for global warming assessments.
Nowack, P. J., Abraham, N. L., Maycock, A. C., Braesicke, P., Gregory, J. M., Joshi, M. M. Osprey and Pyle, J. A. , Nature Climate Change, 5(January), 41-45. doi:10.1038/nclimate2451, 2015

Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon

(2020) Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon (with Thales West, Jan Börner, Erin O. Sills), PNAS, Forthcoming.

Impacts of a large-scale titling initiative on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

(2020) Impacts of a large-scale titling initiative on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (with Benedict Probst, Ariel BenYishay, and Tiago Reis), Nature Sustainability

Unconditional Transfers and Tropical Forest Conservation. Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Sierra Leone

(2019) Unconditional Transfers and Tropical Forest Conservation. Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Sierra Leone, (with Beccy Wilebore, Maarten Voors, Erwin Bulte, and David Coomes), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101 (3), 894-918.

The Behavioural Effect of Electronic Home Energy Reports: Evidence from a Randomised Field Trial in the United States

(2019) The Behavioural Effect of Electronic Home Energy Reports: Evidence from a Randomised Field Trial in the United States (with Marisa L Henry and Paul J Ferraro), Energy Policy, Volume 132, pp. 1256-1261.

Bringing Ecosystem Services into Economic Decision-Making: Land Use in the United Kingdom

(2013) Bringing Ecosystem Services into Economic Decision-Making: Land Use in the United Kingdom, (with Bateman et al), Science, 5 July, Vol. 341 no. 6141 pp. 45-50.