Research & Projects

Our research focuses on our three commitments areas: 

Deep and rapid emissions reductions, Greenhouse gas removal and Restoring broken climate systems.

Reduce Emissions

What near-term policies and actions can be adopted to rapidly decrease emissions by over 90% while also delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals?

What pathways should nations adopt to ensure a just and peaceful transition, and what are the major considerations to ensure success?

Greenhouse Gas Removal

What portfolio of GHG removal measures should be deployed to bring levels down from their present level to below 350 ppm, the level deemed necessary for sustainable human habitation?

What would be the benefits and impacts of these measures deployed at scale?

Can we set up a global standard to assess and rank GHG removal solutions, and what economic incentives and governance structures are required?

Refreeze the Arctic

What measures and technologies could be safely deployed to refreeze the poles and prevent major ice sheets from breaking off and causing sea levels to rise?

Which authorities would need to allow the deployment of these measures? What are, amongst others, the legal, economic, political and ethical implications?

How can we ensure global cooperation in furthering knowledge about potential technologies, and possibly deploying these measures, in such a way that promotes peace and stability?