The G Word: Centre Directors Debate Geoengineering on Podcast
Global temperatures continue to increase and lag times on climate feedbacks mean that we are committed to continued warming for years to come. Geoengineering is seen as a band-aid to buy us time while we move to cut our emissions to beyond net zero. However, geoengineering is a highly contentious topic which continues to divide academics.
In this first episode, The Conversation speaks to scientists working on potential geoengineering technologies who argue the case for researching these interventions. Their second episode will look into the campaign against a particular geoengineering intervention - solar radiation management (SRM).
Listen to the first episode The Conversation Weekly Podcast published this week on Geoengineering Part 1: The case to try modifying the climate to hear what Centre Director, Shaun Fitzgerald and Deputy Director, Hugh Hunt has to say on the matter.